Sunday, September 18, 2011

A New Holiday: Native American Day

There are many holidays and celebrations for heroes and their historic moments. But there is also one specific holiday that a lot of people celebrate which is Columbus Day. Columbus Day is a celebration for the founder of America, Christopher Columbus. He founded America on October 12th,1492. However, he also killed, raped, and tortured the inhabitants that were already living their lives in what would be called America. These inhabitants are known as Native Americans.

Columbus Day should still be celebrated until the end of time, but there should also be day to honor the Native Americans. The holiday would be known as "Native American Day" This holiday could at least show respect to the ones that did not deserve what happened to them.

The idea of Native American Day would have to be spread around. Social media, such as facebook and twitter, could be used and and event could be made. If it was possible to get in contact with the people who make holidays, Native American Day might be able to be made.

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